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Sculpture with Face Mask
Sculpture with Face Mask

For my 2nd year of of A levels in Media , i will be using this beautiful site crafted by me ( It is beautiful don't deny it ) to record my journey while making my music video. While i learnt a lot working with magazines i am strangely even more anxious and excited for my music video. As a Pakistani who has grown up with Bollywood movies , musicals with a visual is something I am familiar with. the question is will i stick to creating something i have seen in m culture or will i try to create something completely conceptual and abstract. Both ideas seem wonderful to me so i hope this year in media is as good to me as i am hoping for.

An introduction to me

What happens to a dream deferred?


      Does it dry up

      like a raisin in the sun?

      Or fester like a sore—

      And then run?

      Does it stink like rotten meat?

      Or crust and sugar over—

      like a syrupy sweet?


      Maybe it just sags

      like a heavy load.


      Or does it explode?                             Langston Hughes


I am Dua and I am here to make sure I make my dreams a reality. For that Media has increasingly made itself important. I've always had lot to say , a lot to talk about and a penchant for poetic dramatics ( it can get tiresome to be around me not going to lie ). Taking up Media in A1 allowed me to have a medium to express myself through ., while I did not gain the strongest foothold in photography graphic work, designing through several other means became a passion. I finally know now all my dreams will have a voice, an identity ; a visual unfolding.

Hello infamous examiner

Record Studio

Lighthouse studios

Production Studio


  • Instagram

Created by Dua Azeem. Proudly created with

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