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My Research

This page will encompass the start of my journey to making a music video. to make a music video first I have to learn about music videos ( doy ) My research will be extensive and by the end I will have chosen my genre and conducted surveys for it.

24th August 2021

Music videos : a purpose

Music videos as a definition are videos that are either narrative , performative or conceptual in nature and are combined with music. While mainly music videos are made for promotional purposes even in that category promotion reasons can differ. Some music videos can be for promotion of the artist themselves for example The Beatles first launched

26 August 2021

An overview of the past 

Like every beautiful and rotten thing in this world music videos have a past. At times invigorating at times painful. ( promise i am not talking about myself , there are some pretty painful music videos too , just watch Nine Inch Nail's hurt music video, read : BLEKH )

Music video's journey started with the magic lantern in 1894 ( yes i know might as well be the tale of Aladdin) , they were essentially images on glass slides set to a background music.

1st September 2021

Types of Music Videos

Like everything else in this world music videos too are categorised. It seems that the old tale of the conflict between black and white , yin and yang, sky and ground has now seeped into the music category as well. ( or human brains cannot function without putting things in boxes , but we'll keep the information that human brains are a little retarded a secret. we don't want the robots to take over do we ) 

6th September 2021

The Genre Excavation

Mixed Media Portrait

8th September 2021

Intertextuality ; a postmodern world

Researching Genres got a little too extensive. so i thought why not go for a little more space. Click on the button below so your eyes can behold magic ( or research, at this point i have to gaslight myself into thinking they are one and the same )

Where   Lines   Blur

15th September 2021

Star Image ; a Ziggy Stardust tale

Star Image in Music Videos is a way modern way to sell yourself shamelessly. In a more dignified way of course , and nothing says dignified like having your face plastered on school lunch boxes. By developing an artificial image for their audience stars commodify themselves , their attributes and the personality they choose to show the world. Everything is up for grabs after that , from Eminem's farts to Harry Styles' hair strand.

20th September 2021

Philosphy  v. Physics 

Stack of Books

In a world where philosophical state of being and the physical state of being are always at war one must ask ,when the  clouds shift and the sun explodes red golden from the east and a new dawn emerged , what trumps? Well in this theoretical world of ours where Sven E. Carlson , Andrew Goodwin and Laura Mulvey are the gods of Televised Bards , Thoughtbeats and voyeurism in that order , it is philosophy that that announces it's victory.

15th September 2021

Cruella's modern warfare

In a commentary on the strange mercies of this world where pasting a smiley sticker on the harshest of tragedies seem to be the solution St.Vincent produces the banger "Cruel". A pop friendly tune with a cut throat depth to it that slashes the metaphorical societies windpipes in an attempt to unveil it. With her melodic voice and a raw guitar solo ,Annie Clark the person behind S.Vincent ,showcases the casual cruelty of demeaning a human till they are little more than bags of flesh.

"For capitalism, war and peace are business and nothing but business." Karl Leibknecht

In a brutal cycle of the capitalist wrath , you see the indiscernible faces of the capitalist worker churning around and around, their briefcases colliding with the other puppets of  the system , tearing a mess in it's wake. An image forms ; a bloody torn mess of suffering, hungering for it's retirement in Hawaii.

In a creepy vivid idea of her own take on capitalism Daphne Do produces the music video for Radiohead's song "if you say the word".

1987 but an American commentary

20th September 2021

28th September 2021

Selecting my genre

27th September 2021

Mango Mirchi

Mixed in a whirl of glittering sequins and bright makeup Shafi presents this sarcastic and ironic commentary on the elite culture of Pakistan. From the quintessential dhabba to the beautiful truck art everything is whirlwind of desi way of life. Ultimately however the song displays a commentary on the colonial hangover faced by many Pakistanis in the rat race to find an identity.

As sneakers press against a wet asphalt , tears stream down your face hidden in their trajectory by the rain that follows a similar path. With shivering numb fingers you duck your head down against the autumn wind and open spotify. Sighing softly you wipe your tears and you slowly press your playlist "sad indie". 

The world tilts and revolves on its axis but everyday someone wakes up sad with a broken heart and chooses to play indie 

12th October 2021

Artists that float the indie boat

Like every for  Genre some artists and works are the highlighted faces of the Indie movement , while postmodernity in its nature does imply that all works of art are equal it really comes true under the Indie genre where every artist is hailed for their top notch quality to skip the conventions. Go ahead see my list of Artists that i hail fro matching my weirdness

15th October 2021

An Indistrumental

Ba-dum Ba DIM Bhash BHOOM SPLISH wash are some basic sounds found in the indie garage band world of music. most simply the musical composition in indie music often features a four instrument main combination of lead guitar, rhythm guitar, bass guitar and drums with harmonized vocals. This might be a result of lack of resources to be equipped with new kinds of instruments or to just aesthetically keep the song instrumentally decent

16th October 2021
Screenshot 2022-06-04 at 7.02.08 PM.png

Popular Indie Music Videos

17th October 2021

Some popular indie-rock / indie music video that have been an inspiration to me in different ways 

22nd October 2021

Music for misfits by misfits

Looking into the conventions observed in an Indie Rock genre was an extremely important part of the research part of this work. It helped me decide which conventions I had to follow and which I didn't.One article I came across during my research was the Guardian's which described the slow and painful death of indie Rock , I do believe this however stands contrary to reality. Seen in artists like The Cure , Radiohead , or even Pakistan's own blossoming indie trend which involves bands like Janoobi Khargosh

26th October 2021


Representation of the world lives and exists can be found in almost every media product ,I guess then it is fair to say art imitates life. By using a representative function the music videos attract viewers and social groups or can get linked to special social issues .Indie rock music videos however, continue the  trend of making dark conceptual videos alongside artists or band performatives. Those revolve more around social issues than gender or age 

1st November 2021

Target Audience

To ensure that our media product can be distributed with certainty it is crucial to know who we are marketing to , to further enforce the kind of market demands in our product. A target audience are the specific set of individuals that this product will be aimed towards , they can be determined by their interest in our product and in order to be more focused, effective, and be able to get a greater return, narrowing the focus to a core audience is highly beneficial.

4th November 2021

Survey and Result

To further recognize my market and therefore plan my product with the response i mind i used survey monkey to type out questions i needed answers for to customize my music video. 

Created by Dua Azeem. Proudly created with

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