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Time to Analyse

Choosing my song was no easy feat. Scratch fighting dragons and going on a conquest in the highest story of the cloud castle , THIS is the real deal.

After of course going through a crazy amount of songs and badgering my teacher with the options till 6 pm (I dare say he might just hate me a little bit now) , but what's self respect in front of media , I've lost my sanity might as well lose the other dregs of my personality now.

Anyway enough babbling , to the point ; my choice of artists was of course from the indie-rock genre i had quite a list in my mind and i had a wee bit of a concept already thought out for my video. I knew i wanted a song that could match a video where i could talk about ideological and psychological aftereffects of a deterministic society and the lack of acceptance of fluid and varying identities. ( yes i know scandalous , and all of this too in a postmodern society what will media think )

So after exhausting my brain and eyes going through song after song which included the shortlist

  • Cruel - St Vincent

  • 2+2=5 - Radiohead

  • No surprises - Radiohead

  • Every Single Night - Fiona Apple

  • Last I heard - Thom Yorke

  • Cigarette daydreams - cage the elephant

  • Cheerleader - St Vincent

  • Dreamsickle - Wombo

  • Analyse-Thom Yorke

Finally landing on Analyse after a lot of indecises i chose to stick with it even though i still wanted to spend the next 5 year looking through songs to cooseone but that just might have been a little too much. The reason i went with analyse was that alongside the simple keeninng ephatic voice of Thom Yorke would go amazing alongside a juxtaposed dark symbolic video.

Thom Yorke himself is the lead vocalist of Radiohead however he has ventured into doing doing duets with other artists like Bjrok and Pj Harve, outside of his band work. In 2006 he released his first solo album The Eraser. Analyse is work found in that particular album

Analysing analyse

Musicians aren't that far off from being being poets (well thom yorke isn't). Lyrics are a vital part of understanding music therefore,...


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