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A run in with science

I knew I had to add some shots and effects planned that might not turn out the way I wanted them to. The best thing to do here was, make them before in an informal setting and check how they might look out in the real video.

Red Ink Effect

You know that one video that you see and somehow you know life will never be the same again like worlds tilting, planets colliding and the big bang all that. ( you get the gist )

For me it was this video , just because of the red ink effect that I just knew I had to recreate because it went so well with the mist on scene I had planned for my video up till now.

My first plan to recreate this was by using a petri dish , adding water in it then keeping it on top of my lens and adding ink on it. As you can imagine it did not over so well but I will show them anyway.

This was the shot that I captured in the sink. The sink was wide at the bottom and was made of white china marble ( I think ). Clearly, it came out much better than the shot I took in the petri dish. However, the background was still not white enough so I thought, maybe after some color grading I could fix it.

I used curves and some basic correction like changing the contrast and increasing the blacks in the video. Alongside that I messed with hues till I got the result I wanted


Created by Dua Azeem. Proudly created with

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