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Actors for my work

The first person that I had to cast for was the protagonist of course who created the narrative fuzz and acted as a representative of identity by feeling anguish under the ministrations of the dreary red hands. This role I cast for my ex group member, Hiba Jafri with whom I could never start my group work as she left in early October to start A levels all over again. ( I was left lonely and miserable and with a LARGE amount of work that no student with three other A-level subjects should have to deal with ) . However, in this too she disappointed and backed out at the nick of time 1 day before my shoot!!!!

Therefore, with a broken heart that needed nursing I had to postpone the shoot and remake my shooting schedule. Then I found the real star of the show ! Khudija Munawar. She was not from my school but from Lacas JT another college providing A-levels and was a very dear friend of my cousin's. With a passion for acting and due her intense love for me ( yeah right) she accepted my offer and became my new found star Khudija Munawar ( khudija with a U).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

The person I chose to play my fake artist was Taimoor Shahid ( this one did not flake , he was my star from the beginning (gossiping with my examiner life is good or maybe it is not since I am doing A-level Media ).

The next person was my extra set of red hands ( the first set of red hands was me ) ,she volunteered to be my red hands for ONE day so I suppose I must add her. This is Haleema Zubair, my beautiful cousin who herself is a media student and plans to use my shoot as experimental grounds for hers

( observe and laugh mainly)so she can learn from all my mistakes which is just fantastic ( catch my sarcasm).

The next one is obviously me ( could not bribe anyone else with free food). It will be hectic to be directing , shooting and acting in the window but can I say I have a habit becoming a master at none and a fool in all.


Created by Dua Azeem. Proudly created with

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