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After the first synopsis that was vague in it's direction and focused only on the main shots rather than a cohesive abstract conceptual video I sat down and discussed my idea with my teacher , and well the internet ( art can give you a lot of ideas) and came up with a much clearer picture of direction.

No diegetic sound will be used in the entirety of the video.

Type: Concept and Performance

Duration: 3:50 seconds

Characters: A girl (the protagonist) and the singer/artist

Locations: A shoe factory's empty chemical plant, my kitchen, and the washroom basin

Starts off with the instrumental chorus on piano by Thom yorke. A shroud tied up like it is in islamic funerals swinging back and forth hung from metal rods. It cuts to black for a few seconds , cuts back to the sheet falling on the ground.

Instead of death here it signifies birth(a birth of an identity meant for a death). As it is not the character it focuses on and the girl is just an instrument to show an identity taking hits in it's physicality.

Cuts to black and then cuts to the girl in the sheet moving her hands and feet showing the process of birth , here the camera will pull out and cut away to the first shot of the eyes opening for the girl matching the start of the lyrics in music "self-fulfilling prophecy".this will then cut back to show her movement in another angle ( overhead shot or pan shot) then cut away to her hands and feet one by one to further emphasizes the movement. The transitions will be slow and the cuts will be farther apart to be in a cohesive tie with the music itself. The footage will be grainy to some degree to highlight effects of alienation and discomfort.

After the birth symbolism has ended it cuts away to an ink red effect entering the screen which will be white. ( an insert shot that will be used multiple times in varying degrees of angles)

It will show and emphasize the the tainting of being that has started just after birth. Red will be signifying society , by using that colour that highly contrasts white i can use that deep contrast to signify a changing of ideas and being on screen.

Cutting away to a shot of the girl looking in a mirror that cracks ( overhead long shot that slowly pulls out)

Along with this the girl will have medical wrapping around her eyes and red marks where her eyes were supposed to be to show the most prominent alienation of being ( eyes as windows to the soul) that disconnected her from looking at anything with her own eyes to form her own opinions and will forever see everything with tainted shields of red.

An insert still shot of the artist added here with dim lighting conventional in indie rock music video , strumming an instrument and singing cutting away to a shot of the girl running away with either a still shot or a front tracking shot and then by using an invisible cut the shot will change to the girl walking around twirling in an industrial environment playfully (long shot) camera will follow the girl and then she turns around and takes a bite of the orange alongside the peel.

The bite along with the peel signifies the non conformist nature of an individual.Moreover slowly throughout the video to this point red handprints are added to the white clothes of the main subject to show a mark left by the society.

Cuts to an insert shot of the red ink swirl entering the screen again on a white background followed by a smooth transition to a white tulip being tainted by red ink that looks like blood. Cutting back to the same locale we see the orange go limp in her hand , thud on the floor and roll out of the picture in a dramatic turn of events. using an invisible cut again the locale changes to one of a dark damp location with only the face of the girl visible. Red hands enter the shot cover the face and pull back into the darkness.

The red hands portray the hands of society that dishes out punishment for non conformist behaviour covering the same mouth that bit the orange in the first place.

Cutting to a shot of the subject walking glum and depressed with medical wrapping covering the face too this time followed by an insert shot of a white tulip stained red getting plucked forcefully.

signifying the stress that a psyche goes under while going through the process of socialisation that instead of improving and teaching basic tasks of survival to human beings insists on categorizing and creating stereotypes and roles with the thought of shoving individuals in them with no thought to their diverse state of being of their own want

This shot is interrupted by the artist singing and keening along to the songs with the presence of the red inky tendrils still present. the red inky tendrils gives way to a shot of a white tulip being held delicately at first but slowly getting the red of society ( ink ) dripped on it , the camera is held still during this shot. Fading into the next shot of the subject sitting on a mechanical pulley system in a factory.

The pulley signifies the mechanical journey every human is taken on in their life to get manufactured as the perfect state of being

An abrupt cut is used to show the next shot that stands out from the rest in its clear depiction of struggle to stand against the senseless murder of identities ; the subject is shown with distressing emotions on her face banging her hands against a mirror wall , an insert shot is added of a bloodied tulip undergoing the actions of society getting corrupted by the red. In the next shot the subject is shown with red hands herself sliding down the wall with rejection and anguish on her face.

The idea here represents the eventual giving into society and the final act of giving up the fight and playing the part and letting go of any time taken to analyse actions but instead becoming robotic in nature to adhere to them

The next shot is a still long shot that shows a fish on top of a bloodied mirror getting assaulted by red ink from outside it's bowl but having now way to get out

A fish in a bowl is the perfect representation of the human being stuck in a capitalist world where there is no space for the happiness and individuality of being in the production line of society where each person must fulfill their task by hook or by crook

The video ends with a aerial pull out that depicts the girl lying on gray cements wrapped back up in her shits covered with red hand prints

Tying the entire story in a knot it shows the one untarnished white cloth as an after product of society and the death of being and individuality


Created by Dua Azeem. Proudly created with

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